No Excuses for Female Evil!

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Hi everybody, it’s Stefan Molyneux from Freedomain Radio.

So yesterday, a woman drove into a police checkpoint about a block away from the White House, was yelled at by police to get out of her car and to turn off the car’s engine. She backed out, hit a police car, went screaming off down the road, injured another officer apparently. And then, I guess at the conclusion of this high-speed car chase, she was shot. I guess they feared she had a car bomb or something of that nature in the car. And then, when police approached the car with the woman’s dead body inside, what do they find in the back seat? They found a one-year-old little helpless, baby girl.

Now immediately of course, the media – as is almost always the case when faced with rank female evil – rushed in to defend, to explain, and to strip the woman’s body of any moral responsibility for dragging a child into basically a suicidal death-by-cop situation. It may be hard for you to process just how evil this is, because there’s so much propaganda shielding women from actually having moral responsibility, which is a terrible form of sexism.

You may remember, some time back in Colorado, a young orange-haired lunatic named James Holmes went into a movie theater and began shooting up people. Imagine if it was found, on his body – if he had been shot – that he had a baby in a little backpack when he went on this shooting rampage. Would we not find that even more appalling? I mean, it’s obviously evil and appalling to shoot up a movie theater – but if he had had a baby with him at the same time? What if Timothy McFaye, the guy who blew up his truck outside of the federal building in Oklahoma, had had a baby in the back seat when he blew his truck up?

See, when this woman went on this drive, to crash into barriers, to scream down the highway right outside the White House, she knew she was going to get shot at. Most likely outcome. Now, the baby could have been shot. They didn’t know that that little girl was in there. The baby could have been hit by fragments, could have lost an eye or both eyes. A bullet could have hit the gas tank, engulfing the whole car in flames and burning that poor little baby to a crisp.

And immediately the media says, “Oh well, you see, she’s depressed! She has post-partum depression, it’s her hormones that made her do this.” What happened to women being morally responsible for what they do? Maybe she had a brain tumor, maybe she inhaled a railway spike and it destroyed her neofrontal cortex, I don’t know! I don’t know! But the reality is people immediately rush in to excuse her and blame it on hormones.

The evil that women are capable of, and the evil that women do – not all women, but the evil that women do is generally invisible to society, which is why there is so much violence in society, fundamentally. Did you know that women abuse children more than men do? And whenever I do research, I go to get psychological papers or professional papers in these areas. And you’ll read this statistic, which is incontrovertible: women abuse children more than men abuse children. Women certainly murder children a lot more than men murder children. And immediately, when this fact is stated, what always follows – what always follows – this fact being stated, like a metronome: “well yes, it’s true you see, that women abuse children more than men, but you see, women spend a lot more time around children, and that’s why!”

Really? That’s why? So – if it were true – if I said, husbands beat up wives a lot more because obviously husbands spend more time around wives, and because wives are so innately annoying, of course they’re going to beat them up! Because they spend time around them! It’s the wives’ fault, you see, for being annoying, and therefore any man who spends more time around women is going to end up beating them up, because they’re just so annoying! Really? We’re at the point where it’s just proximity to children that causes abuse? I don’t ever remember that being used as a justification for men hitting women.

But see, men have moral responsibility, but we have to built these little shimmering cathedrals around the sensitivity of these little dandelion-souled women who just float around without any responsibility, just being pushed and buffeted around by hormones and society and patriarchy, and oh my god. Oh my god! Women used to be heroic! We used to give them responsibility. Do you know that the only people we strip moral responsibility from are either the completely insane, or the unbelievably mentally deficient? They’re not responsible You get an IQ of 60 or something then you’re not morally responsible. Or if you’re completely insane, you’re not morally responsible. This is the category that we put the majority of women in when we basically say that circumstances dictate what they do.

How insulting! I have a daughter, for god’s sakes! Please give her moral responsibility, do not take that precious gift of self-ownership away from women! It is deeply condescending, insulting, and incredibly sexist.

For instance, did you know that women initiate incidents of domestic violence at a higher rate than men do? Domestic violence is initiated by women more often than it is initiated by men. Do women have any accountability or responsibility for that? Oh no, I’m sure it’s hormones, or it’s post-partum depression, or the guy brought it on himself by being a jerk, although why would she be with a jerk? Is she not even responsible for that?

Or the way that the media and society and art all talk about single mothers like they’re heroic, like the waves of chance tossed children into their home and they’re just heroically taking them on. No fault, no responsibility, no choice to not use birth control, or to get married to the wrong guy, or to have unprotected sex with the wrong guy. They’re not to have an abortion, they’re not to give the child up for adoption. They’re heroic, they’re victims, you see! Are they not responsible for having unprotected sex? Are they not responsible for keeping the children? Are they not responsible for choosing entirely the wrong man as the father of their children? No! They’re victims! They’re these little dandelion fluffs, blown around the universe by the winds of chance and the winds of patriarchy, and no responsibility, no choice, nothing! This would be insulting to a four-year,old, and we apply this victimhood, infinite no-standard gobbledygook to adult women!

Or, I’ve also read in the media that this woman who put her daughter directly in death’s path – it’s quite a miracle that the child was not killed – somebody posted this on my Facebook page: “I was wondering if she was freaking out because her baby was hungry. She was broke and the government stopped WIC.” Women, Infants, and Children, it’s a welfare program. Shot down? You see, it’s the government slim-down that is the problem. Post-partum depression was the problem, she was depressed, you see! Hormones! No responsibility. Do people have an internal mirror where they review things they say, just to find out if they’re not completely insane and immoral? We say, well, this woman almost got her child killed because we weren’t giving her free stuff through the government, you see! That’s the problem!

What this actually translates to in reality is the proposition that we pay women not to abuse and kill their children. That basically we have no problem whatsoever with a woman holding up a baby, saying, give me free shit or the baby gets it! Bang! We have no problem bribing women to not hit and abuse and kill their children! I mean, do we even listen to ourselves as a society anymore? Have we completely given up? Do we just have this one-way verbal barrage of diarrhea, like throwing brown water into a jet engine, watching it hit a wall, and turning away? Mad! If you feel that you need to pay people not to harm children, that’s called a hostage situation! That is not called being a mother! Or a parent! That’s called having hostages and saying, give me stuff for free or I hurt my children! That’s actually illegal!

Ah, but the poor victim, they didn’t make the choice to have children.

It’s madness. It’s madness. When we take away moral responsibility from women, we treat them as condescendingly, as patronizingly, as inhumanely, and as insultingly as humanly possible. And I called attention to this fact because I really love women, I really care about women – which means I will not strip one iota of moral responsibility from them, because to do so is demeaning and insulting to the nobility of their potential natures. This path – this endless white knight man-gina invention of excuses for the evil that women are capable of – is deeply harmful to women. It is deeply harmful to the children that are in the care of women. It is deeply harmful to the future. It is deeply sexist.

And I for one will not stand for it, at least in my life. All the people in my life who are adults have the same level of moral responsibility. And I say this and bring this to your attention, and ask you to watch out for it. Don’t take my word for it, just review the literature. Review what is being written about women, when women openly do evil things. We need to have the same moral standards for men and for women. It’s really insane to have to say that in the 21st century. We need to have the same moral standards for men and for women, because THAT, my friends, is real feminism.